In-Person and Online events

Dharma, Yoga, and Mindfulness Training
This year-long Dharma and Yoga Certificate program integrates Buddhist wisdom teachings and meditation practice with asana, pranayama, and somatic movement.

Sacred Refuge: An Embodied Devotional Retreat in Nature
Residential retreat at Big Bear Retreat Center with Yong Oh and Djuna Devereaux integrating insight meditation, mindful movement, and devotional practice.

Reclamation of the Sacred: Journey into Refuge, Presence, and Love (In-person residential retreat)
Residential retreat at Spirit Rock Meditation Center with Yong Oh, Gullu Singh, Eugene Cash, Dawn Mauricio, and Djuna Devereaux

Light in Winter: Yoga and Meditation Daylong Retreat
We will explore how the subtle practices of yoga bring luminosity and space to the body, and how meditation illuminates our inner landscape of thought and emotion.

Anxiety as Teacher: A Dharma and Yoga online Daylong
This daylong program will weave Dharma wisdom and meditation together with mindful movement and gentle breathing techniques.

Homecoming: Yoga and Meditation Daylong Retreat
Return home to your body and present-moment awareness through dynamic and restorative asana practices, somatic movement, Dharma teachings, silent meditation, and time in sangha and nature.

SMS Depth Dharma: Introducing the Kuan Yin Dharmas (8–week online class)
An 8–week Class Series with Thanissara, Elaine Yeh, and Djuna Devereaux. Based on original content created and taught by Kittisaro.

The Art of Props and Sequencing
Learn new ways to support and engage your students with the use of props and intelligent sequencing—two essential elements of skillful teaching that are applicable to all styles of yoga.

Awakening the Subtle Body
This four-session workshop series weaves the structural aspects of asana practice with the energetic, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of yoga to tap into the true healing power of practice.

Embodied Wisdom: Meditation, Asana, and Somatic Movement Retreat
Our daylong will offer the potent combination of dynamic and restorative asana practice, somatic movement, with Dharma teachings, silent meditation, and time in sangha.

Yoga and Dharma: Calming Anxiety Through the Wisdom of the Body
Our daylong will weave Dharma wisdom and meditation with mindful movement and gentle breathing techniques.

Reclamation of the Sacred: Journey into Refuge, Presence and Love
Let’s deepen refuge and reconnect with what is most precious and sacred in this life and draw from teachings and practices that open us to the heart of compassion.

Yoga of the Subtle Body: Online Four-Class Series
This four-class series weaves the structural aspects of asana practice with the energetic, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of yoga to tap into the true healing power of practice.

In-Person Classes on Orcas Island
Each class will weave together somatic movement, dynamic asana, and meditation.

Asana and Insight: Yoga and Meditation Retreat
Our daylong will offer the potent combination of somatic movement, dynamic and restorative asana practice, with Dharma teachings, silent meditation, and time in sangha.

Dharma and Yoga: Cultivating Refuge in Challenging Times. Online Daylong THrough Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Cultivate your inner refuge through the unique combination of somatic movement, yoga asanas, meditation, and Dharma teachings.

Embodying Trust Amid Uncertainty: Zen and Yoga
Weaving Zen meditation with somatic movement, yoga asana, and pranayama, we will cultivate trust in the body's wisdom.

Yoga and Meditation: Embodying the Brahmaviharas (Residential Retreat)
In this restorative silent retreat, we’ll weave together practices from the Yoga and Dharma traditions to help you cultivate and embody the heart qualities known as the brahmaviharas: the “divine abodes” of kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity.

Breathing Into Awakening: Dharma and Yoga
ONLINE: An embodied experience of the Buddha’s teachings on mindfulness of breathing, cultivating calm embodied presence, joy, insight, and ultimately awakening.

Sacred Mountain Sangha Daily prayer and mantra circle for protection and peace
This circle is dedicated to generating blessings for the awakening and welfare of all while invoking compassion and protection from harm for all, with Kittisaro, Thanissara, Djuna Devereaux, Adam Stonebraker

Sacred Mountain Sangha ONLINE Sunday Gatherings
Includes chanting, meditation, dharma reflection, Q&A, sharing.
With Thanissara, Kittisaro, Gullu, Yong, Adam, Dawn, Djuna.

Yoga of the Heart: Asana and Meditation Retreat
This retreat will offer rejuvenation for the body and reconnection to our heart’s innate presence. We will be supported by the beauty of the Skagit Valley in the deep stillness of winter.

Journey Into Refuge, Presence, and Love (Residential Retreat)
In these overwhelming times, let’s deepen refuge, as well as reconnect with community and our shared roots within the sacred web of life. This will be a time of contemplation and remembrance as we journey through the grief of so much loss and the hope of the human spirit, offering thanks for the beauty of this world.

Anxiety to Kind Presence: Dharma and Mindful Movement (Online)
Our day-long will utilize mindfulness and embodied practices to relieve anxiety and restore a sense of trust in our body’s ability to self-regulate.