My teaching weaves asana training, with somatic movement, biomechanics, and the wisdom of yoga and the Buddha Dharma, into each offering. My sessions are crafted to cultivate embodied awareness, as well as strength and mobility, while supporting the body’s innate capacity to heal. As a long time Dharma practitioner, I approach the asanas as vehicles of insight, inviting us to awaken to present moment experience through the intelligence of the body.
Engage Body, Mind, and Heart
Move, breathe, sense, and listen, to awaken the body’s innate healing capacity.
Let’s Connect
Online classes
Join our online sangha for a 60-min Zoom class every Tues and Thurs at 8am PT.
Experience the power of immersive practice in a workshop, retreat, or training.
private sessions
Book individual yoga therapy, Somatic Experiencing, and professional mentorship.
From Our Sangha . . .
Dr. trina Mann
Djuna’s teachings offer me a chance to play, to recover, and to discover my own biomechanical curiosities. Her teachings are deeply informed both by yoga and meditation traditions, as well as current information in orthopedics and biomechanics. Classes are intelligently crafted and safe. As much as Djuna is a skillful teacher, she is a consummate student—ever open to explore new ideas, and I have treasured getting to reflect with her on the crossover between western and eastern approaches to movement.
I will forever be grateful to Djuna for her teachings, how deeply they have enriched my relationship with my life and my work with my own clients.
kate kimball
Yoga Student
I did not know when I began to study with Djuna that she would change my life. I just thought she was the best yoga teacher I’d ever had, and I’d studied with quite a few. Djuna is deeply prepared and knowledgeable about asana, dharma, anatomy, and biomechanics, which makes her classes both exciting and rich with insights. She has a knack for sequencing that sometimes makes me laugh out loud at its brilliance.
james sanders
Yoga Teacher
Her approach shines new light on poses we’ve all done a thousand times. Djuna’s teaching truly stands alone in a world of many yoga teachers. Integrating movement, anatomy, Dharma and yoga philosophy, Djuna engages students on physical, mental, and spiritual levels.